You’re an executive of a scale-up. Your company generates revenue, but you’ve only just begun. You’re ambitious, aiming for that next level. But where do you go from here?


You’re constantly working in your business. There seems to be no time to work on your business. To move forward you need to build on a strong foundation though.


Structure is key, strategy is everything. Without it the company will come tumbling down like a house of cards. The time is now. Your company needs to TRNSFRM.

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And you could use a coach. As an entrepreneurial leader with twenty years of experience I guide you through the challenges of scaling up.


You know your business best, but it helps to get a nudge in the right direction. I take you by the hand, step by step showing you the best options and save you from the mistakes I made.


Let’s go!

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If we’re going on a journey together, we’d better make sure there’s a match between us. So, let’s grab a coffee, no strings attached. Just getting to know each other.


After our first encounter it’s going to be personal. We will share fears, facts and feelings. During this process we follow the unique 6A’s-TRNSFRM-model


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