The first phase of the TRNSFRM-process, Awareness, is about inventory. Only with a clear starting position we’re able to navigate to that ambitious point on the horizon.
In the second phase, Analysis, we take an even deeper dive into you and your company. Understanding how the cards are dealt will provide us with the insights needed to proceed.
The third phase, Acceptance, focusses on you realizing you were working with what you thought you had. But there’s always more in store for you.
In phase four, it’s time for some Action! Trying new behaviors, attempting new skills. Fulfilling your individual and the company’s development plan.
The fifth phase, Accountability, targets optimizing the processes in your company to be effective and efficient. Taking responsibility for your actions is key.
The six and last phase, Achievement, is all about evaluation and feedback on improvement and progress. Here the forming, storming and norming results into performing.